Our child-centred environments
At Little Bright Explorers we strive to offer children a uniquely warm, inviting and child-centred environment where they can explore, discover and grow. Reggio–inspired programs refer to the environment as the 'third teacher'. Our indoor and outdoor environments are thoughtfully designed to provide a place that engages children's senses and provokes wonder, curiosity and intellectual challenge.
Our Art Studio
The arts are a key part of our programs. Our art studio is designed purposefully provide both indoor and outdoor spaces for our children to freely express themselves through play, art and wonderful messes. Children spend time in our studio daily and children are taught in a variety of media.
In this aesthetically pleasing environment, art materials are plentiful and accessible to the children. Here our children learn to use art techniques as tools to express their ideas, share with others what they are thinking, doing, feeling, learning and experiencing.
Our Kitchen
At Little Bright Explorers, we believe in the power of food to nourish not only the body but also the mind and soul. Our kitchen is where the magic happens; we craft meals carefully. We see it as a sacred space where we can instill in your children the importance of healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.
By supporting initiatives like Munch&Move and Get up & Grow, we are committed to providing meals and nutrition and wellness education. We understand that what your children eat today shapes who they become tomorrow. With each meal we serve, we strive to fuel their potential, nurture their bodies, and set them on a path towards a bright and healthy future.

Nature Play Equipment and Spaces
Play is a vital part of childhood and growing up. Children learn through play to develop social, physical and emotional skills. We have combined the original home garden spaces with custom-built nature play equipment and spaces that incorporates areas for quiet, natural, creative, active and stimulating play.
Child Inclusive Garden
We have designated an area for our vegetable garden. We involve the children in daily activities in our vegetable beds with composting, worm farms, harvesting and preparation of nutritious food. All fresh produces from our garden are to be used in our kitchen.
Gardening with children provides numerous opportunities for hands-on learning, inquiry, observation, and experimentation. Gardening also helps children build an understanding of and respect for nature and our environment.